前回の記事ではInitial PacketまでParseしました。今回はAuth Response Packetを作って認証までやってみましょう
Handshake Response Packet
ServerからInitial Packetを受け取った後に、ClientがHandshake Response Packetを作ってServerに送信すれば認証結果が返されます。
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4 capability flags, CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41 always set 4 max-packet size 1 character set string[23] reserved (all [0]) string[NUL] username 1 length of auth-response string[n] auth-response string[NUL] auth plugin name |
Capability Flagsが決まればHandShake Packetのデータサイズが決まるので、bufferを確保してデータを積んで行きます。が、そもそもauth-responseってのがデータサイズよくわかりませんね。何でしょう、コレ?
1 2 |
1 length of auth-response string[n] auth-response |
auth-responseをどうすればよいかは実はServerから最初に送られてくるConnection Phase Packet中のcapability flagsとPlugin名の指定があるのでそれを参照します。
CLIENT_SECURE_CONNECTIONを調べてみたところ、Secure Password Authenticationを使え、ということなのでとりあえずやってみましょう。
Secure Connection
Secure Password Authenticationの場合random dataはInitial Packet中のauth-plugin-data-part-1とauth-plugin-data-part-2の12byteを連結した値となるので前回parseした部分からデータを持ってきます。(auth_plugin_data_part2の最後のデータはゴミデータなので12byte分だけ連結させます)
1 |
random_data := append(auth_plugin_data_part1, auth_plugin_data_part2[0:12]...) |
生成するhash値は下記の通りで生成できます。passwordのsha1 hashデータの各値に対してsha1(random_data + sha1(sha1(password)))して生成したデータをXORしていけば出来上がりです。
1 |
sha1(password) XOR sha1(random_data + sha1(sha1(password))) |
MySQL Packetの書き込みから通信まで
MySQL PacketのHeaderは4byte(uint24 length, uint8 sequence_id)というのは前回説明しました。書き込み時は読み込み時と同じようにpayloadの先頭にヘッダを置けばOKです。
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package main import ( "fmt" "encoding/hex" "encoding/binary" "bytes" "net" "bufio" "io" "crypto/sha1" ) var username = "chobie" var password = "chobie" type CapabilityFlag int var ( CLIENT_LONG_PASSWORD CapabilityFlag = 0x0001 CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS CapabilityFlag = 0x0002 CLIENT_LONG_FLAG CapabilityFlag = 0x0004 CLIENT_CONNECT_WITH_DB CapabilityFlag = 0x0008 CLIENT_NO_SCHEMA CapabilityFlag = 0x0010 CLIENT_COMPRESS CapabilityFlag = 0x0020 CLIENT_ODBC CapabilityFlag = 0x0040 CLIENT_LOCAL_FILES CapabilityFlag = 0x0080 CLIENT_IGNORE_SPACE CapabilityFlag = 0x0100 CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41 CapabilityFlag = 0x0200 CLIENT_INTERACTIVE CapabilityFlag = 0x0400 CLIENT_SSL CapabilityFlag = 0x0800 CLIENT_IGNORE_SIGPIPE CapabilityFlag = 0x1000 CLIENT_TRANSACTIONS CapabilityFlag = 0x2000 CLIENT_RESERVED CapabilityFlag = 0x4000 CLIENT_SECURE_CONNECTION CapabilityFlag = 0x8000 CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH CapabilityFlag = 0x00080000 CLIENT_SESSION_TRACK CapabilityFlag = 0x00800000 ) <br /> func read_packet(reader io.Reader) (byte, byte) { header := make([]byte, 4) reader.Read(header) payload_size := uint32(header[0]) payload_size += uint32(header[1] >> 8) payload_size += uint32(header[2] >> 16) payload := make([]byte, payload_size) reader.Read(payload) return header, payload } func sha1_sum(data byte) byte{ h := sha1.New() io.Copy(h, bytes.NewReader(data)) return h.Sum(nil) } func main() { //READ INITIAL PACKET conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", "localhost:3306") reader := bufio.NewReader(conn) if err != nil { panic(err) } header, payload := read_packet(reader) fmt.Printf("[header]:\n%s\n[payload]:\n%s\n", hex.Dump(header), hex.Dump(payload)) // INITIAL Packetのparse。前回と内容同じなのでよまなくて大丈夫 offset := 0 protocol_version := int(payload[offset]) fmt.Printf(" [protocol_version]: %d\n", protocol_version) offset++ fmt.Printf(" [Initial Handshake Packet]:\n") idx := bytes.IndexByte(payload[offset:], 0x00) version := payload[offset:offset+idx] fmt.Printf(" [version]: %s\n", version) offset += idx+1 connectionId := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(payload[offset:offset+4]) fmt.Printf(" [connectionId]: %d\n", connectionId) offset += 4 auth_plugin_data_part1 := payload[offset:offset+8] fmt.Printf(" [auth_plugin_data_part1]: \n") fmt.Printf(" %s", hex.Dump(auth_plugin_data_part1)) offset += 8 filter1 := payload[offset:offset+1] fmt.Printf(" [filter1]: %s\n", filter1) offset += 1 capability_lower := payload[offset:offset+2] offset += 2 charset := uint8(payload[offset]) fmt.Printf(" [charset]: %d\n", charset) offset++ status := binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(payload[offset:offset+2]) fmt.Printf(" [status]: %d\n", status) offset += 2 capability_upper := payload[offset:offset+2] offset += 2 capabilities := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(append(capability_lower, capability_upper...)) var auth_plugin_data_part2 []byte var auth_plugin_name []byte if capabilities & 0x00080000 > 0{ //CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH length_of_plugin_auth_data := int(payload[offset]) offset++ // skips reserved 10bytes offset += 10 if capabilities & 0x8000 > 0 { //CLIENT_SECURE_CONNECTION auth_plugin_data_part2 = payload[offset:offset+(length_of_plugin_auth_data - 8)] offset += length_of_plugin_auth_data - 8 fmt.Printf(" [auth_plugin_data_part2]: \n") fmt.Printf(" %s", hex.Dump(auth_plugin_data_part2)) } idx = bytes.IndexByte(payload[offset:], 0x00) auth_plugin_name = payload[offset:offset+idx] fmt.Printf(" [auth_plugin_name]: %s\n", auth_plugin_name) } else { panic("not supported") } // 今回のテーマのINITIAL RESPONSE PACKET // // とりあえず先にscrambled passwordを作っておく // SHA1( password ) XOR SHA1( challenge + SHA1( SHA1( password ) ) ) auth_response := sha1_sum([]byte(password)) // XOR用のデータを作る key2 := sha1_sum(auth_response) challenge := append(auth_plugin_data_part1, auth_plugin_data_part2[0:12]...) // SHA1(challenge + SHA1(SHA1(password)))の部分 challenge = append(challenge, key2...) challenge_key := sha1_sum(challenge) for i := 0; i < 20; i++ { // XORしてく auth_response[i] ^= challenge_key[i] } // initial response packetのbuffer sizeを確保する buffer_size := 4 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 23 buffer_size += len(username) + 1 buffer_size += 1 buffer_size += len(auth_response) buffer_size += len(auth_plugin_name) + 1 buffer := make([]byte, buffer_size) offset = 0 // headerに記載するのはpayloadのサイズなので-4しとく size := buffer_size - 4 buffer[0] = byte(size) buffer[1] = byte(size >> 8) buffer[2] = byte(size >> 16) // initial response packetはinitial packetの返答なのでsequence idを1にしとく buffer[3] = 0x01 offset = 4 // 必要なデータをどんどん積んでいく capability_flags := uint32(CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41 | CLIENT_SECURE_CONNECTION | CLIENT_LONG_PASSWORD | CLIENT_TRANSACTIONS | CLIENT_LONG_FLAG) charset = 0x21 buffer[offset] = byte(capability_flags) buffer[offset+1] = byte(capability_flags >> 8) buffer[offset+2] = byte(capability_flags >> 16) buffer[offset+3] = byte(capability_flags >> 24) offset += 4 // max packet sizeは0でいいのでskipする offset += 4 buffer[offset] = byte(charset) offset += 1 //reserved 23 bytes文をskipする offset += 23 // username (null terminated string) copy(buffer[offset:], username) offset += len(username) +1 buffer[offset] = byte(len(auth_response)) offset += 1 // さっき作ったauth responseのデータをコピー copy(buffer[offset:], auth_response) offset += len(auth_response) // 最後にauth plugin nameをコピーしておしまい copy(buffer[offset:], auth_plugin_name) <br /> fmt.Printf("\n[write_packet:%d bytes]:\n%s", len(buffer), hex.Dump(buffer)) conn.Write(buffer) // payloadの先頭が0x00なら認証成功になる。 header, payload = read_packet(conn) fmt.Printf("[header]:\n%s\n[payload]:\n%s\n", hex.Dump(header), hex.Dump(payload)) } |
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chobie% go run main.go 00000000 4a 00 00 00 |J...| [header]: 00000000 4a 00 00 00 |J...| [payload]: 00000000 0a 35 2e 36 2e 32 30 00 62 00 00 00 5c 45 24 25 |.5.6.20.b...\E$%| 00000010 2a 43 52 54 00 ff f7 21 02 00 7f 80 15 00 00 00 |*CRT...!........| 00000020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2d 24 69 69 53 45 3d 41 6e |.......-$iiSE=An| 00000030 27 75 3a 00 6d 79 73 71 6c 5f 6e 61 74 69 76 65 |'u:.mysql_native| 00000040 5f 70 61 73 73 77 6f 72 64 00 |_password.| [protocol_version]: 10 [Initial Handshake Packet]: [version]: 5.6.20 [connectionId]: 98 [auth_plugin_data_part1]: 00000000 5c 45 24 25 2a 43 52 54 |\E$%*CRT| [filter1]: [charset]: 33 [status]: 2 [auth_plugin_data_part2]: 00000000 2d 24 69 69 53 45 3d 41 6e 27 75 3a 00 |-$iiSE=An'u:.| [auth_plugin_name]: mysql_native_password [write_packet:86 bytes]: 00000000 52 00 00 01 05 a2 00 00 00 00 00 00 21 00 00 00 |R...........!...| 00000010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................| 00000020 00 00 00 00 63 68 6f 62 69 65 00 14 76 8f 90 c4 |....chobie..v...| 00000030 38 08 a0 2d 6d 22 f0 ae c9 7a c4 19 10 eb c2 3e |8..-m"...z.....>| 00000040 6d 79 73 71 6c 5f 6e 61 74 69 76 65 5f 70 61 73 |mysql_native_pas| 00000050 73 77 6f 72 64 00 |sword.| 00000000 07 00 00 02 |....| [header]: 00000000 07 00 00 02 |....| [payload]: 00000000 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 |.......| |
OK Packetが来たので認証が成功しましたね!